There are 20 fruit and vegetable sectors in 6 special areas of the Ferghana Valley. The head of state saw the work of the Uz-Segang organization in the Tashlak region, the source said.
There are industrial refrigerators ready for a storage capacity of 330 thousand tons of fruits and vegetables, more than 25 logistics hubs and about 90 processing companies.
JV "Uz-Segang" LLC has production capacities for processing and exporting more than 16 thousand tons of fruits and vegetables per year. There is also a logistics hub for construction and commissioning, which took about $10 million and uses the most modern equipment from Europe and Asia.
Italian sorting equipment selects fruits by color and size. This equipment can detect spoiled fruits. Such a system will make customers more loyal to the manufacturer, and better products. The products of JV Uz-Segang LLC are manufactured under the Global G.A.P. certificate, which is recognized by the international community.
© Photo of the Press Service of the President of Uzbekistan
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