A new home for fruit-processing company Cesena Futura srl, which will improve its efficiency thanks to the new facility.
A few photos of the new Futura srl facility in Cesena (Forlì-Cesena)
"Futura moved to its new facility in early January 2022. The reasons behind this new investment were mainly the proximity to the old one, which we are still using, and the larger size of the production area, warehouse and offices. We can now count on 3,000 sq m, which means a larger production and storage capacity and a better office to welcome our clients," explains general manager Omar Papi.
The company has always had strong relations with Eastern Europe and the current situation is causing a lot of worry. "The whole of Central Asia has always been a strategic area of great importance for us. The current situation in Ukraine is disastrous, mainly from the humanitarian aspect, and it is already having an effect on the global economy. Companies like ours that have stable relations, not only with Russia, but also with all the countries connected to it, are already experiencing huge problems. The sanctions imposed, such as the blocking of swift codes for some banks and the Euro-Ruble exchange rate will prevent many investors from purchasing technologies or products from Europe."
Omar Papi
"We are all waiting to see how things will evolve and are hoping negotiations will succeed, mostly because of the humanitarian question, but also for the economic component. We were trying to pick up the pace after the pandemic, but I don't how what this situation will lead to."
Another great issue is the cost of raw materials. "With this situation, costs will only worsen. The raw materials and transport continue to become more and more expensive, while we cannot raise our prices downstream that much."
"Another aspect that must not be overlooked is the long wait-time needed to source the material: our sector is seasonal and we are risking having to extend our lead-time too much. This might lead us to refuse some orders, as we would not be able to deliver at the start of the campaign. We have already invested to quicken planning and ordering procedures and have increased our stocks, but the situation is truly complicated."
Futura is anyway trying to look at 2022 positively and is planning to attend the following fairs:
- Uzfood (Tashekent Uzbekistan), March 29th-31st
- Fruitlogistica (Berlin), April 5th-7th
- Macfrut (Rimini), May 4th-6th
- Agroworld (Kazakhstan), November 2nd-4th
- Yugagro (Krasnodar Russia), November 24th-27th, though this will need to be confirmed depending on how the current situation evolves.
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