The most significant figures of the exhibition in 2021:
6 pavilions
800 exhibitors
32 500 visitors
Macfrut is the leading professional exhibition for those working in the Italian and international fruit and vegetable industry. The magnificent exhibition facilities, the growing number of participating local and foreign companies, dynamic areas and a wide range of initiatives aimed at promoting innovation and internationalization make it a key event for professionals and buyers. Macfrut is a vertical exhibition showcasing all supply chains with the participation of 8 sectors: manufacturing and trade, machinery and plants, packaging, agricultural machinery, greenhouses and irrigation systems, crop production and seeds, biostimulators, logistics and services.
Opportunities for visitors: B2B meetings with exhibitors, high-level meetings and conferences, dynamic zones, etc. All related events at Macfrut offer numerous business opportunities. Macfrut is becoming more and more an international trade event, giving an opportunity to build a business by showing technical knowledge, advanced and excellent products.
FUTURA invites you, ladies and gentlemen, to visit Stand 115-116 in Hall D1 at the Exhibition Center of Rimini, Italy on May 4-5-6, 2022
Working hours of the exhibition: WEDNESDAY, May 4, 2022
THURSDAY, May 5, 2022
FRIDAY, May 6, 2022
OPENING HOURS: from 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Admission is free, you can register as a guest here