We are pleased to announce that our partner in Uzbekistan has become the largest leasing company JV JSC "Uzbek Leasing International A.O.", whose shareholders are the National Bank of Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Maybank (Malayan Banking Berhad), Malaysia and the Uzbek-Omani Investment Company.
Leasing conditions:
-the amount of project financing – up to 2,300,000 US dollars / equivalent in national currency (in national currency – up to 26 billion sum);
-lease term – up to 5 years;
-the Lessee's equity participation – from 30% of the contract value;
-collateral – at least 50% of the financing amount (in the absence of the client's equity participation).
Lessees can be private sector enterprises in various sectors of the country's economy.
Currently, the size of the authorized capital of the joint venture JSC "Uzbek Leasing International A.O." is 9,113,588,786 soums.
Being the initiator of the creation of the company, the National Bank of Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan provides constant support to the company's activities. In addition to investments in the authorized capital, in order to develop and expand the activities of "Uzbek Leasing International A.O.", the National Bank of Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan provided a revolving credit line for 10 million US dollars in national currency at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the day of sampling. The company also uses foreign credit lines signed with the National Bank of Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
From the beginning of its activity to 2001, the company's management was transferred to Maybank and, this allowed the Company to use Maybank's experience in conducting leasing operations, train local personnel to prepare and conduct leasing projects according to international standards. As a result, since its establishment, the Company has significantly expanded the range of leasing services it provides and provides financial services at the level of international leasing standards.
Financing of transactions is carried out both at the expense of shareholders' funds, the company's own funds, and at the expense of credit lines of international investors, such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Finance Corporation, the Malaysian Bank (Maybank), the Islamic Corporation for Private Sector Development (ICRS), and credit lines of local banks of the National Bank of Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan, GAKB "ASAKA", UzKDB, as well as loans from major equipment suppliers. "Uzbek Leasing International A.O." is a unique example when a leasing company uses modern management, finance and marketing technologies in its development, which allows it to actively increase its customer base. At the same time, our principle of full transparency allows us to attract long-term financing from both international financial institutions and local banks.
From the beginning of its activity to the present, the company's portfolio includes more than 1,200 leasing projects. The production of industrial products and consumer goods has been established for all projects implemented in almost all regions of the Republic.
With the growth of "Uzbek Leasing International A.O.", the company's customers are also growing, the range of financed industries is expanding, the geographical coverage is increasing. Since 2005 to the present, eight regional representative offices of the Company have been opened throughout the republic. In 2005, a representative office was opened in the Samarkand region, since 2009, the work of representative offices of "Uzbek Leasing International A.O." in the Khorezm region, as well as in the Fergana Valley has been launched. In 2010, representative offices began their activities in Bukhara, Navoi regions and in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. In 2012, a representative office was opened in Kashkadarya region. In 2017, representative offices were opened in the Jizzakh and Syrdarya regions. And in 2018, representative offices were opened in Andijan, Ferghana and Surkhandarya regions.
You can get information on leasing issues by calling: (+99878) 120-02-02 or at the address: Tashkent, Yunusabad district, 88A Amir Temur Avenue, SIMURG Business Center. Landmark: The Radisson Blu Hotel, as well as by mail info@uzbekleasing.uz or on the website http://uzbekleasing.uz/en/
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