New greenhouses located on the territory of four hectares began to function in the Dangara district. Here, hydroponics (without soil) is used to grow cucumbers and tomatoes, experts say.
The construction of the greenhouse block, which is owned by "Ideal Mustang Plus" LLC, was completed by December 2021. The price of the complex is 27 billion soums or $2.5 million.
The predicted productivity of these greenhouses is about six hundred tons of tomatoes and two hundred tons of cucumbers per year. At the moment, farmers are preparing for the debut harvest of tomatoes.
According to Uza.uz, in 2017-2021, greenhouse complexes with a total area of 251 hectares were built in the Fergana region of Uzbekistan. As of December 2021, the total area of complexes in this area was 311 hectares, of which about 35% are hydroponic greenhouses.
Thus, from January 2017 to December 2021, the total area of greenhouses in this area increased from 60 hectares to 311 hectares.
In 2021, 398 greenhouse complexes were built in the Republic that meet the most modern requirements on a total area of 797 hectares, and the amount of investment in their construction amounted to 2.3 trillion soums or $212.4 million.
The Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan gives a figure of 5.5 thousand hectares - this is the total area of greenhouses in the country as of December 2021.
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